Women's Bill of Rights

Support the Women’s Bill of Rights

We know what a woman is, what a female is, and what a mother is. Our politicians and our laws should too.

Radical gender ideologues are trying to redefine womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biology. This isn’t just about semantics. This limits our opportunities and threatens our privacy and our safety.

Help codify our common understanding of basic sex-based words.

Stand for truth, stand for science, stand for common sense. Support the Women’s Bill of Rights.

Women’s Bill of Rights

Whereas, males and females possess unique and immutable biological differences that manifest prior to birth and increase as they age and experience puberty;

Whereas, biological differences between the sexes mean that only females are able to get pregnant, give birth, and breastfeed children;

Whereas, biological differences between the sexes mean that males are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than females;

Whereas, biological differences between the sexes leave females more physically vulnerable than males to specific forms of violence, including sexual violence;

Whereas, females have historically suffered from discrimination in education, athletics, and employment;

Whereas, biological differences between the sexes are enduring and may, in some circumstances, warrant the creation of separate social, educational, athletic, or other spaces in order to ensure safety and/or to allow members of each sex to succeed and thrive;

Whereas, inconsistencies in court rulings and policy initiatives with respect to the definitions of ‘sex,’ ‘male,’ ‘female,’ ‘man,’ and ‘woman’ have led to endangerment of single-sex spaces and resources, thereby necessitating clarification of certain terms,

We affirm that:

  1. For purposes of state/federal law, a person’s ‘sex’ is defined as his or her biological sex (either male or female) at birth;
  2. For purposes of state/federal law, a ‘female’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova; a ‘male’ is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female;
  3. For purposes of state/federal law, ‘woman’ and ‘girl’ refer to human females, and the terms ‘man’ and ‘boy’ refer to human males;
  4. For purposes of state/federal law, the word ‘mother’ is defined as a parent of the female sex and ‘father’ is defined as a parent of the male sex;
  5. When it comes to sex, ‘equal’ does not mean ‘same’ or ‘identical’;
  6. When it comes to sex, separate is not inherently unequal;
  7. There are legitimate reasons to distinguish between the sexes with respect to athletics, prisons or other detention facilities, domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, locker rooms, restrooms, and other areas where biology, safety, and/or privacy are implicated;
  8. Policies and laws that distinguish between the sexes are subject to intermediate constitutional scrutiny, which forbids unfair discrimination against similarly-situated males and females but allows the law to distinguish between the sexes where such distinctions are substantially related to important governmental objectives;
  9. Any public school or school district and any federal/state/local agency, department, or office that collects vital statistics for the purpose of complying with anti-discrimination laws or for the purpose of gathering accurate public health, crime, economic or other data shall identify each individual who is part of the collected data set as either male or female at birth.
concerned citizens have signed the Women's Bill of Rights
  • All Signers
  • Candidates
  • Citizens
  • Lawmakers
Nina Szymanski
Patricia Mangini
Marilyn Herling
Jeannette Bartosz
Carol Evers
Deb Turner
Theresa Bass
Pat Meyer
Mary Jo Searfoss
Richard Hardin
Robert Romps
Tara Smith

Support the Bill of Rights

We applaud these
members of congress who
support H. Res. 1136/S. Res 644

House Cosponsors

  • Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ)
  • Rep. Jim Banks (IN)
  • Rep. Mary Miller (IL)
  • Rep. Diana Harshbarger (TN)
  • Rep. Claudia Tenney (NY)
  • Rep. Vicky Hartzler (MO)
  • Rep. Victoria Spartz (IN)
  • Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX)
  • Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA)
  • Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO)
  • Rep. Barry Moore (AL)
  • Rep. Ralph Norman (SC)
  • Rep. Mike Carey (OH)
  • Rep. Randy Weber (TX)
  • Rep. Michael Guest (MS)
  • Rep. Bob Good (VA)
  • Rep. Lance Gooden (TX)
  • Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ)
  • Rep. Jake Ellzey (TX)
  • Rep. Greg Steube (FL)
  • Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK)
  • Rep. Mike Johnson (LA)
  • Rep. John Rose (TN)
  • Rep. Brian Babin (TX)
  • Rep. Daniel Meuser (PA)
  • Rep. Joe Wilson (SC)
  • Rep. Madison Cawthorn (NC)
  • Rep. Byron Donalds (FL)
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC)
  • Rep. Richard Hudson (NC)

Senate Cosponsors

  • Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)
  • Sen. Cynthia Lummis (WY)
  • Sen. Ted Cruz (TX)
  • Sen. Marsha Blackburn (TN)
  • Sen. Marco Rubio (FL)



“I'm signing the Women's Bill of Rights because the rights that generations of women fought for must not be dismantled to appease anyone.”
Abigail K. Shrier
"What is a woman? The answer should be obvious to all. Unfortunately, today it is not. That's why I am proud to endorse the Women's Bill of Rights. This common-sense document should bring together all women regardless of their politics or religion."
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Women’s rights advocate
“It is becoming increasingly difficult to speak about women and women’s rights in a common language. Today, we are unveiling the Women’s Bill of Rights in order to legally define what it means to be a woman.”
Jennifer C. Braceras
Director, Independent Women’s Law Center
“I want my three daughters to know that they live in a country where women are recognized and respected. We are not “bleeders,” “birthing persons,” or “chestfeeders;” we are women.”
Carrie Lukas
President, Independent Women’s Forum
“The Women’s Bill of Rights would ensure that our laws continue to recognize that there are legitimate reasons to distinguish between the sexes with respect to athletics, prisons, domestic violence and rape crisis services, restrooms, and other areas where biology, safety, or privacy are implicated.”
Lauren Adams
Legal director, WoLF
“Gender is not a synonym for sex, and it’s time we stopped using it as such. Gender refers to attributes and social norms. But attributes are not biology, and those who fight for the rights of women must respect the science.”
Heather R.Higgins
CEO, Independent Women’s Voice
“The Women’s Bill of Rights is a common-sense declaration on the biology of sex. It should be something people across the political spectrum can come together and embrace. All women should have the assurance that our intrinsic dignity and status are recognized and protected on the basis of sex.”
Doreen Denny
Senior Advisor, Concerned Women for America
“The U.S. chapter of Women's Declaration International (WDI USA) is proud to support the Women's Bill of Rights. We work to advance the radical feminist and nonpartisan Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights at all levels of government, and this bill is consistent with that objective.”
Kara Dansky
President, U.S. chapter of Women's Declaration International


For more information: FACTS: In 60 Seconds

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